Thursday, January 10, 2019

Palmolive Commercial

Image result for palmolive shampoo
"Friends with Palmolive!"
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All the elements of communication play a part in the hair product commercial. First is the source which is the people who are involve in the commercial shoot since they are where the information came from. Encoding takes place when the actors actually start to convey their approval for the product that is being advertised. Transmitting of information occurs when we get the message they are trying to convey is in the process of being sent to us. The channel being used as a tool for transmission of the message is through the technology of our television screens.
Decoding is when we finally receive the message that is being conveyed to us as we translate its meaning. The receiver is simply us the viewers of the commercial. Feedback is the reaction that we have towards the commercial. will be be convinced to buy the product or not? And lastly, noise interference is when something gets in the way of us viewing or even understanding the commercial. 

Image result for pa,lmolive kisses
The setting appears to be at a park probably somewhere in the Philippines, where a couple of friends have gathered. They all seem to enjoy each others company and go on with their plans. Their workout clothes clearly show that they have come to exercise. Let us not forget to mention the fact that their hair appears to be flawless and smooth because of the product that they are promoting which happens to be a hair product for women namely Palmolive.

Most of the shots in the commercial were close ups of the hair of the models since that is the whole point of the commercial. The close ups were indeed effective because it was able to showcase the beauty of the hair of the models. The slow motion effect that is applied adds to the desired effect as it  shows how healthy your  hair will become once you start using the product. The camera's main goal is to capture how well the hair has reacted to the usage of the hair product being promoted.

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The beginning is when the girls meet up with one another at the park. They greet each other with smiles and hugs. The middle is when they let their hair go, revealing their hair that you can honestly say are to die for. They showcase how well the product works as their hairs sways while they are doing their activities. And lastly, they all huddle together and enjoy each other company.
Image result for pa,lmolive kisses liza
The commercial is selling its product by promoting its strongest points. its most potent way is b y showing how using the product will cause a long lasting and effective effect on one's hair. 

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The memorable visual effects is how they put the slow motion effect into action therefore highlighting the after effects of using the hair product. The hairs shines as the natural sunlight strikes it. Making it gleam a healthy glow. This makes the product pretty convincing. The memorable line on the other hand is "Friends with Palmolive" which shows us that this commercial created a bond amongst  them. 

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