Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Importance of Media Info

"It's so funny how social media was just this fun thing, and now it's this monster that consumes so many millennial lives."
- Cazzie David
Media in my own opinion is a vital tool when it comes to communication in the present. it makes communication fast and simple. people are able to send and receive messages with just a tap of their finger. it closes the vast distances between people. Media has also helped make entertainment what it is today. Media has helped it come a long way from where it originally began. In short, media is something that has caused a great improvement in the way of life of the people who use it. It has help raise awareness on many various issues that have a great impact on the youth of today. Examples of these are issues such as cancer awareness, environmental concerns, political debates, and many many others. Media is also used by people who are considered influencers in society today. They use media and of course their influence in order to spread information and awareness on what they are fighting or standing for.

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The Daily Illini
As we all know media and information literacy is crucial in the lives of the youth today. Media serves as a platform for the youth to express their ideas and beliefs. they are able to share what they believe in with their peers. It is also evident how the youth of today are more outspoken and brave about their beliefs. It also reaches the point where sometimes their fellow media users misunderstand their words and take it the wrong way. This of course causes debates and sometimes even gets out of hand.The  youth are also able to chat with their family and friends from all around the world. An example of this is when the parents of a child is abroad the child can communicate and keep them updated about the happening in their day to day life with the use of media. This creates a bond between the parents and the child despite the distance that separates them. Media is also used by the youth to spread awareness on various issues that are of great importance today. This is where media and information literacy comes in. there are of course rules and etiquette that the youth have to follow in order to avoid offending and disrespecting others.
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The Restless CMO
There are many steps that I can take to improve on media information and literacy. First, I can do it by understanding that using media requires responsibility. This responsibility is of great importance because us youth tend to be impulsive when it comes to posting online. Rash decisions occur wherein the youth does not think about the outcome of the content that they post on their social media accounts. They tend to forget that all of our actions have consequences that are bound to last for an extensive amount of time since it is posted online. Second, I must be able to distinguish what is right and what is wrong when using media. This is because I am already in the right age where I will be able to understand that certain words and posts are hurtful to other people. There are limitations to my freedom of expression and speech. These limitations serves as boundaries that will guide me. And lastly, I  must make an effort to studying it more because studying it involves a vast amount of topics that will serve as lesson so that I can become a responsible media user.

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