Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Ultimate Importance of Media and Information Literacy

As a social media influencer it is of great importance that I possess an extensive knowledge regarding media and information literacy. Media and information literacy plays a major role in the lives of the people today. This is mainly because of the wide range that it covers when it comes to the aspects of our daily lives. It is important as it serves like a guide maybe even a rule book that we media users must use in order to achieve the responsible use of media. We need to be literate in a way that we know the following:

  1. Avoid using foul language

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The use of foul language also known as profanity is not only bad for your image but it also manages to hurt the feelings of other people. it has wide variety of negative effects on the people on the receiving end.

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2.Respect fellow media users

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Respect goes a long way and we as media users must respect each other as we all belong to the same community and with the technology today proper communication has never been easier.

3. Do not become a cyber bully

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Bullying other people online just for the sake of your ego will never make you a better person. it only means that you are a coward using the internet just to do something that you are scared to do personally.

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4.Be sensitive to the outlooks and beliefs of others

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All the media users have different outlooks and belief and it is important for us to be sensitive with what we post as this may offend and even disrespect them. It is our responsibility to practice care when it comes to what we post.

5. Filter and revise your posts before actually posting them

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Sure the posts may be funny or hilarious to you but it may be hurtful to others. Just like the words that leave our mouth we must be careful with what we post. This is mainly because of the fact that once we post something it is out there for the whole world to see. 

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"Think Before You Click."

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Endless Reincarnation


A Glimpse into the Enthralling Tale of Grace

Grace's day starts off as normal as it can ever be, the trip to school and her taking her usual seat in class. Time passes by in a flash and before he knows it, it is time to head home. However, before doing so she decides to head to her town's convenient store to grab a couple of essentials. Little does she know this decision will lead to a complete turn of events in her life. The last thing that she remembers is lugging two plastic bags towards her car when everything goes black. She wakes a feeling different, her eyes go wide as she realizes that that isn't her body. She believes that her life has taken a turn for the worst, or has it?
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Genre and Format


The novel is under the genre of mystery as it will lead the reader through the journey that Grace will take in finding her killer and to what extent is she willing to go through in order to get back to her own body before it is too late. The novel will be composed of a total of 20 chapters that will contain all the happenings in the story. The reader will be taken into a world wherein they will be able to partake in an adventure like no other.


Image result for letter gGender. This novel is aimed towards both females and males alike. Although the main generalization is that it may impact the females more because it involves a female character.

Related imageEthnicity. The Ethnicity that will most likely relate to this novel is Asians because it will cover the cultures and traditions that are practiced in Asia.
Image result for letter a Age Range. The age range of the novel is fifteen to twenty five years because it fall under the young adult category since it is under these specific ages that the people will be able to understand and relate.
Related imageRegions or Nationality. However, the nationality that this novel will target is the Filipinos. This is because they will be able to relate to it since it takes place in the country the Philippines.
Image result for letter sSocio Economic Group. This novel will most likely be read by those people belonging to the middle class since novels are affordable and can be bought from various bookstores. This group will also relate to the main character since she also belongs to the middle class.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Supernatural; The Road So Far

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Supernatural is a fantasy series created by Eric Kripke. It first aired on the summer of September 13, 2005. As of today it has a total of 14 seasons with 296 episodes. It continues to be one the the longest running series on televisions and is showing no signs of ending anytime soon.

The whole plot of the series revolves around the story of two brothers who are in search of their father who went missing during a hunting trip. Keep in mind though that this is not just an ordinary hunting trip. No, this hunting trip is not about hunting mere animals for fun, this hunting trip is so much more. Here let us go through some of these so called creatures that are being hunted.


These type of monsters originate form European folklore. A child is stolen form their parents and replaced with a similar looking one. the only way to see its true form is through its reflection wherein you will see that it has hollowed eyes and a rounded mouth full of razor sharp teeth.


Angels are tasked with helping God maintain peace and order in heaven. But their powers are beyond measure. A stray angel is capable of so much destruction. The angel blades that are in their hands can kill humans, demons and even their fellow angels.


 These creatures are more commonly known as genies. They have the power to grant all your wishes. In the series however, the djinns use deceit people into wishing for various things. The twist? They lure the people in a coma like state and feed on them until their death.


These creatures are normal human beings until they hit the age of 30 wherein they are overcome by this uncontrollable hungry. This causes them to eat anything and everything including their loved ones. The only way to kill them is to stab them with a silver dagger dipped in lamb's blood.


This scarecrow is way more different than you would lead yourself to believe. It lures people from the road and leads them to their final demise. The only way to overpower this creature is to burn the tree that supposedly gives it life.

The disappearance of their father has led the two brothers towards a chase that will inevitably turn their whole world upside down. As the search for their father continues to dwindle, they go on hunting and killing monsters that are of great danger to humans and even the world . They surpass all the obstacles that the monsters cause along the way.

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Despite all the hardships that they have to go through every single day, they still choose to risk their lives in order to make sure that no one else is hurt or even killed by the creatures who we share this world with.

Personally my favorite character in the show is Dean Winchester who is portrayed by Jensen Ackles.
I relate because of how he handles and reacts to certain situations. His carefree attitude is quite similar to mine.

His love for pie is absolutely relatable as who does not love pie?

And his expression that one time a dead body fell out of a cupboard?


If there was anything that I would change about the plot it would be the sudden disappearance of their father. This is because I would also want to see how they would get along with one another. Their hunting trips would have been a lot more different than one would expect.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Palmolive Commercial

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"Friends with Palmolive!"
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All the elements of communication play a part in the hair product commercial. First is the source which is the people who are involve in the commercial shoot since they are where the information came from. Encoding takes place when the actors actually start to convey their approval for the product that is being advertised. Transmitting of information occurs when we get the message they are trying to convey is in the process of being sent to us. The channel being used as a tool for transmission of the message is through the technology of our television screens.
Decoding is when we finally receive the message that is being conveyed to us as we translate its meaning. The receiver is simply us the viewers of the commercial. Feedback is the reaction that we have towards the commercial. will be be convinced to buy the product or not? And lastly, noise interference is when something gets in the way of us viewing or even understanding the commercial. 

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The setting appears to be at a park probably somewhere in the Philippines, where a couple of friends have gathered. They all seem to enjoy each others company and go on with their plans. Their workout clothes clearly show that they have come to exercise. Let us not forget to mention the fact that their hair appears to be flawless and smooth because of the product that they are promoting which happens to be a hair product for women namely Palmolive.

Most of the shots in the commercial were close ups of the hair of the models since that is the whole point of the commercial. The close ups were indeed effective because it was able to showcase the beauty of the hair of the models. The slow motion effect that is applied adds to the desired effect as it  shows how healthy your  hair will become once you start using the product. The camera's main goal is to capture how well the hair has reacted to the usage of the hair product being promoted.

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The beginning is when the girls meet up with one another at the park. They greet each other with smiles and hugs. The middle is when they let their hair go, revealing their hair that you can honestly say are to die for. They showcase how well the product works as their hairs sways while they are doing their activities. And lastly, they all huddle together and enjoy each other company.
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The commercial is selling its product by promoting its strongest points. its most potent way is b y showing how using the product will cause a long lasting and effective effect on one's hair. 

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The memorable visual effects is how they put the slow motion effect into action therefore highlighting the after effects of using the hair product. The hairs shines as the natural sunlight strikes it. Making it gleam a healthy glow. This makes the product pretty convincing. The memorable line on the other hand is "Friends with Palmolive" which shows us that this commercial created a bond amongst  them. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Importance of Media Info

"It's so funny how social media was just this fun thing, and now it's this monster that consumes so many millennial lives."
- Cazzie David
Media in my own opinion is a vital tool when it comes to communication in the present. it makes communication fast and simple. people are able to send and receive messages with just a tap of their finger. it closes the vast distances between people. Media has also helped make entertainment what it is today. Media has helped it come a long way from where it originally began. In short, media is something that has caused a great improvement in the way of life of the people who use it. It has help raise awareness on many various issues that have a great impact on the youth of today. Examples of these are issues such as cancer awareness, environmental concerns, political debates, and many many others. Media is also used by people who are considered influencers in society today. They use media and of course their influence in order to spread information and awareness on what they are fighting or standing for.

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The Daily Illini
As we all know media and information literacy is crucial in the lives of the youth today. Media serves as a platform for the youth to express their ideas and beliefs. they are able to share what they believe in with their peers. It is also evident how the youth of today are more outspoken and brave about their beliefs. It also reaches the point where sometimes their fellow media users misunderstand their words and take it the wrong way. This of course causes debates and sometimes even gets out of hand.The  youth are also able to chat with their family and friends from all around the world. An example of this is when the parents of a child is abroad the child can communicate and keep them updated about the happening in their day to day life with the use of media. This creates a bond between the parents and the child despite the distance that separates them. Media is also used by the youth to spread awareness on various issues that are of great importance today. This is where media and information literacy comes in. there are of course rules and etiquette that the youth have to follow in order to avoid offending and disrespecting others.
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The Restless CMO
There are many steps that I can take to improve on media information and literacy. First, I can do it by understanding that using media requires responsibility. This responsibility is of great importance because us youth tend to be impulsive when it comes to posting online. Rash decisions occur wherein the youth does not think about the outcome of the content that they post on their social media accounts. They tend to forget that all of our actions have consequences that are bound to last for an extensive amount of time since it is posted online. Second, I must be able to distinguish what is right and what is wrong when using media. This is because I am already in the right age where I will be able to understand that certain words and posts are hurtful to other people. There are limitations to my freedom of expression and speech. These limitations serves as boundaries that will guide me. And lastly, I  must make an effort to studying it more because studying it involves a vast amount of topics that will serve as lesson so that I can become a responsible media user.

Sorry Future Generations

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Clean Talks
The message of the video is pretty simple and clear. We as humans have created a destruction to this earth that we live in. Examples of these destruction is our lack of care most of the time. We simply throw our garbage wherever we want to without even thinking twice. Recycling is also not in our top priorities because of the fact that we find it bothersome. We use plastic instead of paper simple because it is easier and convenient for us without taking into consideration that it takes years and years for it to decompose. Let us also not forget the fact that plastic causes great harm to the animals since some of them mistake these plastics for food. This causes the death of hundreds of animals because it harms their digestive systems. Forests are either getting cut or burned down by the industry giants. As this happens animals are losing their homes. The lands loses it strength which in turn causes landslides because of the evident lack of trees. our modes of transportation emits harmful gases that are toxic to the earth and ironically even to us humans. We sometimes refuse to admit that our vehicles are in need of a a repair because of the excessive amount of smoke that it is emitting because these repairs would cause us money. Lives are lost, the air turns filthier and filthier every single day and we are here bathing in our ignorance and refusal to accept reality.
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Over the years our greed has gotten the best of us that we fail to see how bad the condition of the earth is getting. We refuse to make sacrifices that will surely help the earth in a big way. Examples of these are recycling our simply reusing out products instead of buying new ones. Cutting down on the excessive use of paper especially when we do not really need it. If you look around there are a ton of ways to help the environment. The only thing that we have to do is try.  The message of the video was conveyed through an apology. An apology to the future generations. And after all that we can see that we do really owe an apology to the future generations simply because there is a big possibility that they may not be able to experience the richness and beauty of the earth. They may not be able to see what nature really has to offer and how much of an impact it has in our day to day lives.

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The audiences of the video are the future generations who might watch it many many years from now. They will see how our greed and carelessness destroyed the earth. And most importantly it is directed towards us people in the present. It is to awaken us,to open our eyes to the reality that change must begin now. The message is crystal clear and effective because it managed to tug at the heartstrings of its viewers. It convinced us that it may be bad right now but it is not yet too late to change. To actually try and change our ways in order to help bring back the beauty and health of the earth. We as youth have to step up and make a difference. This difference that will serve as hope, hope that one day we will be able to restore everything that we have destroyed .

"The only thing I want is to awaken all humans on the planet that we are living on Mother Earth."
- Afrika Bambaataa