Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Ultimate Importance of Media and Information Literacy

As a social media influencer it is of great importance that I possess an extensive knowledge regarding media and information literacy. Media and information literacy plays a major role in the lives of the people today. This is mainly because of the wide range that it covers when it comes to the aspects of our daily lives. It is important as it serves like a guide maybe even a rule book that we media users must use in order to achieve the responsible use of media. We need to be literate in a way that we know the following:

  1. Avoid using foul language

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The use of foul language also known as profanity is not only bad for your image but it also manages to hurt the feelings of other people. it has wide variety of negative effects on the people on the receiving end.

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2.Respect fellow media users

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Respect goes a long way and we as media users must respect each other as we all belong to the same community and with the technology today proper communication has never been easier.

3. Do not become a cyber bully

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Bullying other people online just for the sake of your ego will never make you a better person. it only means that you are a coward using the internet just to do something that you are scared to do personally.

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4.Be sensitive to the outlooks and beliefs of others

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All the media users have different outlooks and belief and it is important for us to be sensitive with what we post as this may offend and even disrespect them. It is our responsibility to practice care when it comes to what we post.

5. Filter and revise your posts before actually posting them

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Sure the posts may be funny or hilarious to you but it may be hurtful to others. Just like the words that leave our mouth we must be careful with what we post. This is mainly because of the fact that once we post something it is out there for the whole world to see. 

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"Think Before You Click."